Cyber Security Agency of Singapore holds first multi-sector cyber attack exercise

22 Mar

Cyber Security Agency of Singapore holds first multi-sector cyber attack exercise

The Internet has totally transform the way that we go about communicating with one another and interacting with the global community at large, but it has also ushered in new risk factors and potential attacks that require a delicate and well thought out security strategy to counteract.

Singapore (one of the most connected nations on the planet) understands the value of cyber security more than maybe anyone else. And because they live on the leading edge of major technological advances and are consistently upgrading their technology infrastructure, it should come as no shock to anyone that they have been able to come up with innovative and impressive security solutions to cyber security threats.

The established Cyber Security Agency of Singapore has been working around the clock (and will continue to do so) to fight cyber threats to citizens, businesses, and government organizations.

Just recently they have met for the first ever multi sector cyber attack exercise to not only demonstrate just how advanced their cyber security solutions are but also to foster better communication, better relationships, and new innovation in this field as well.

“Cyber Star” shows just how closely together Singapore cyber security agencies are working together

Anyone that has followed the politics behind their own government’s security agencies no doubt understand that there are deep rivalries between most national organizations. Much of that is understandable.

After all, many of the world’s security agencies are involved in overlapping responsibilities, are fighting for a larger piece of the budget pie, and are always taking part in games of one-upsmanship.

The Singapore security agencies do not have these problems.

Each of these security agencies have very clearly defined responsibilities, almost equal portions of the national budget, and are empowered to cooperate with one another rather than pitted against each other disease who can come up with the best results.

This kind of cooperation was on full display with the introduction of the Cyber Star security tests. The CSA (established just one year ago) was able to effectively and efficiently communicate with all other security agencies in the government during this exercise, and took advantage of these opportunities to come up with effective and efficient solutions to the large-scale simulated attacks.

The future of cyber security is bright in the Singapore

More than seven different agencies were represented during this cyber security exercise, and all of them came away from the experience with the same conclusion – the future of cyber security is very bright in Singapore, and this country is poised to join the international community as a leader moving forward against cyber threats.

As touched upon above, the government of Singapore has always been serious about leveraging technological advances, pushing forward with upgraded infrastructure, and utilizing everything that new technology brings to the table.

This is why it should come as no surprise to anyone that pays attention to international news or the international community that Singapore is going to “take point” when it comes to cyber threats, even though they have one of the youngest cyber security agencies on the planet.

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